Wednesday, 28 August 2019

You’re All I’ve Ever Known

It was that rainy day that brought me to my senses
washed my eyes to help me see clearly,
of all the ways how the roots of my tree were pulling me down
But I don’t know how to let go, because it’s something I’ve never known.

I tried to cleanse myself of all the weeds growing and encroaching upon my flowers
I tried to break free and blossom,
But I’ve never learnt how to let go of parts that belong to me.

The gloomy day was upon me
And you felt like the sun that I needed,
But you got so hot that I burnt myself
And all my flowers with me
But I don’t know how to let go, because it’s something I’ve never known.

Still, there I was, thinking of how I might’ve held on too tight
As you always see mistakes in yourself than point a finger towards others
Because I’d rather bring myself down
than spoil my view of the rose colored glasses I see you through
So I held on to you too, because it felt like a part of me
You felt like home and I don’t know how to let go.

I botched my beauty up in red for clinging onto you
For it was the only light I found in the sombre life of mine
You’re all I’ve ever known
But here I am begging for you to leave me be
You see, I’m struggling to let go
Because you’re everything that’s under my skin and in my bones.